Thank you for visiting the blog of Burn Care International. We are a non-profit organization dedicated to improving the lives of burn patients in developing countries around the world. Burn Care International focuses on the prevention of major scarring and contractures through the implementation of a good physical therapy program, proper nutrition, and the use of compression garments. We offer advice, consulation, and on site training around the world. Your prayers, personal involvement, and tax deductible donations help make that possible.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Lunch at El Cristo

Written by MS4BCV

We were up early our first Saturday in Cochabamba to take the children staying at Viedma Burn Center’s extended care home for a picnic at the Cristo. Those staying at the home are still recovering from significant and disfiguring burns, but do not require continued hospitalization. Each has been away from their family for many months, and in some cases years. A few have been abandoned by their parents due to their marred appearance or the expense of medical bills for the treatment of their burns. During our excursion we had an incredible time with all of them, and were touched by the way, in the absence of their immediate families, they functioned as a family unit. We continue to be amazed by their resiliency, and have been deeply moved by their ability to maintain their child-like innocence and energy amid such harrowing circumstances.

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